Janowska Camp 3D Modeling Project
This complex visualization aims to both accurately re-create the historical built environment of the Janowska Concentration Camp in Lviv while integrating written and oral testimony.
Janowska Camp Perpetrators Social Network Analysis
One of the newer projects in our cluster, this analysis draws evidence from documentary sources and then creates a spatial social network to examine important perpetrator relationships in innovative ways.
Holocaust in Eastern Europe Mapping Project
This project involves the close reading and detailed coding of the excellent Encyclopedia of Camps and Ghettos published by the USHMM in order to extract spatial data about many aspects of the Holocaust in Eastern Europe.

Lviv Ghetto Mapping Project
Relying on a wealth of demographic information gleaned from a variety of sources, this project seeks to map over 17,000 inhabitants of the Lviv ghetto during the Holocaust.
Mapping Himmler's Appointment Book
What can we learn by studying and mapping who Heinrich Himmler met with and when/where he met? This project attempts to answer these questions by creating a daily visual log of Himmler's whereabouts during the critical years of 1941-1942.
#OTD Himmler's Appointment Book Twitter Feed
A public history project live tweeting Himmler's Appointment Book, day by day.
Lviv Ghetto Mapping Project
Collaboration with Center For Urban History (Lviv)
We are fortunate to have such a great partner in the Center for the Urban History of East Central Europe in Lviv. As a result, we are involved in a variety of collaborations with them.